Surcotec can very precisely characterize your components in sensitive areas or problematic interfaces. Examples: pre-production inspection, R & D validation phase, customer claims, …

Definition of the elements that make up the material on the surface or embedded.
20AP steel with sulphides and Pb
Measurement of the hardness of an embedded or surface material with the possibility to obtain a profile.
Hardness footprint in 316 steel
Inclusions / Impurities
Determine the spread (density and size) of elements within an alloy.
Sulphides in 20AP steel
Analysis of the microstructure and determine the grain size.
Acid attack on gold to show the grain.
Metallic cross-section cuts
Composition and dimensional characterization of interface and crystalline makeup.
Sensor: intermetallic analysis after brazing
Determine the different elements that make up an alloy.
Tin-lead solder beads.